Sunday, November 7, 2010

Coleccion de mi cabeza...

Hay muchos que dicen amar a la verdad y terminan casandose con la mentira...

El cansancio no existe cuando uno es feliz, y yo ya no quiero estar cansado...

En el desierto de la vida, aquel que se queda inmobil, sera enterrado por las tormentas de arena..

 Bebamos hasta ahogar la conciencia, cerremos la puerta para que no entre el remordimiento sin darnos cuenta, fumemos hasta que el humo nos libere de nuestros principios, dejemonos llevar por los instintos, y sellemos nuestra memoria con placeres para nunca hablar de lo aqui ocurrido...

Porque cada vez que apareces; no soy yo quien controla mis ojos, porque cada vez que me hablas; el mundo entero enmudece, porque cada que caminas conmigo; cualquier cafe parace perfecto, porque en los dias pesados de oficina; tu foto en mi escritorio cobra vida, porque cada que cojo un tabaco; apareces tu y me dices: Fer, eso es malo!

 Siento que me gustas tanto, que no es posible que me gustes aun mas, sin embargo, creo haberte dicho eso un par de veces ya, al darme cuenta que estaba equivocado...

The things you're fighting for, I can buy with my money...

Money can buy you almost anything, and the very few times it doesn't is because you haven't offered the right amount...

 To be the best, you have to take down the best...

Intentando materializar un sueño, yo ya le he mostrado a la institucion mis credenciales, estoy consiente de que mi futuro no esta en sus manos, pero ellos tienen la varita magica que abre todas las puertas...

 La autodestruccion es el arte de los miserables...

Somos hermanos, nos conocemos el uno al otro mejor que nadie, vivimos la misma niñes, reimos juntos, pasamos las mismas penas, compartimos muchisimas cosas, y los lazos que nos unen jamas podran romperse, los quiero a todos...

La inteligencia es un lugar muy solo, es como otra dimension desde la que puedes ver todo, pero nadie puede verte. Ser inteligente es como hablar un idioma que muy poca gente entiende, es como una manzana envenenada...

Como un dibujo mal trazado, de lineas delgadas y profundas, el cual esta a punto de desparecer en un cuadro blanco y vacio, plasmado en un papel triste que no parece tener fin...

 Por mas que busca razones no encuentra un porque, le han dado la espalda las respuestas, le ha vuelto mudo la soledad, le ha robado el aire la tristeza, lo ha traicionado la esperanza, ya no recuerda las sonrisas, y no simpatiza con las lagrimas, el esta al borde del abismo, esta solo, muy solo...

If you don't take control of the situation, the situation will take control of you...

Si no eres bueno en lo que haces, no eres nadie...

El verdadero valor de una persona se encuentra en la grandeza de sus sueños, la fuerza de voluntad que posee para mantenerles vivo, y su habilidad para llevarlos a cabo. Estas cosas nadie mas puede destruirlas y nadie mas las puede hacer crecer. El protegerlas es nuestro deber, nuestra mision en la vida...

 En aquel momento, me encontraba totalmente solo, mientras el mundo caia lenta y dolorosamente sobre mi. Donde estaban todos? Donde estaba nadie? Donde estaba yo?

El tiempo nos vigila, nosotros jugamos , el cielo no nos conoce pero a mandado a sus mejores estrellas para recibirnos, somos turistas en luna de miel, los faros brillan a media luz, esucho en tu voz mi melodia favorita, un hombre toca el piano a espaldas nuestras, mientras tanto, tu pintas las mejores sonrisas que he enmarcado en mi memoria, hemos podido engañar al reloj, y por un momento el mundo se detiene...

Son las locas que hablan sin sentido, pequeñas ladronas de sonrisas, divorciadas de la explicacion, viudas de la soledad, flores del jardin del recuerdo, prendas que nunca pasan de moda, si, esas son las cosas que le dan el toque alegre a la vida... :)

 Escribamos juntos una historia de locos, tu mano junto a la mia, una maleta ligera repleta de sueños, por favor no olvides empacar esa sonrisa tierna que tanto me hace falta cuando las cosas salen mal, no lleves tu sombrilla pues he soñado tanto tiempo con besarte bajo la lluvia, mejor trae contigo esa foto de los dos en la que estamos jovenes y nos amamos, Quiero mostrarsela a nuestros nietos a su debido tiempo.(Me)

Tengo la extraña sensacion de no ser el mismo, de haber cambiado un poco, de encontrarme super tranquilo, totalmente seguro de lo que pienso hacer, sonriendo como entre palabras, con descarado atrevimiento, los ojos clavados en el cielo, caminando lejos de las cosas vacias, en busca de un lugar al que llamar hogar... (OFMB)

Hablame con tus ojos, me gusta oirlos cuando me ven; me gusta come dicen que me aman y que esperaron todo el dia solo para verme... Hazme saber que no quieres que me marche con uno de esos abrazos tan fuertes, tan tiernos; esos que solo tu sabes dar cada vez que nos separamos... Y dejame decirte cosas lindas, pues esa, solo esa es la alegria de mi vida... Dejame amarte...(me)

True talent will always find its way to success, it adapts to every situation; perhaps that's why it never stops amazing people. If that's not the case, then it is far from being fully developed, or simply just fake. True talent does not blame its failure on the circumstances, it is smart enough to swim among sharks and come out alive having learned something new...

 A man willing to die for his ideals, either thinks that he's done with his fare share of goodness in the world, or has never contemplated the possibility of idealizing life itself above all things; either way, he still has a lot to learn. What good can a dead man do from his grave?

True, money doesn't make you a better person; It can only finance trips, pay for fancy meals, get you a nice car, build you the house of your dreams, provide you with an excellent education, etc. Also true, I'm not interested in becoming a better person, I just care about money...

As long as there are social divisions, there will always be hatred and fear in the world. One day, when all the races have gone through it, we will create even more social divisions to hate, but let's not get ahead of ourselves, since we can only hate one day, and one group at a time; perhaps because hating is more typical for humans than making conversations with strangers...

Everybody wants to kill the fastest gun; that's why they're coming after me...

Immigrants will continue to take the jobs Americans won't do until "Big Business" pay a living wage across the board or Americans are willing to pick strawberries at the minimum wage, so what will it be? Because I don't see corporate America raising their operating expenses anytime soon, and I don't see any unemployment beneficiaries thrilled about picking strawberries either...

Time machines are perfect for those who can't let go of their past, and cannot stand their present. Yet, people like that might not have a future to escape to...

Social workers, psychologists, sociologists, and priests are no different from any other merchant on the streets; they're always trying to sell you an ideal they think you need, when they don't have enough moral capital to buy one for themselves...

Si dejaramos de quejarnos tan solo un instante acerca de aquellos que nos empujan hacia adelante, nos dariamos cuenta que el puente en el que estamos se esta desmoronando detras de nosotros...

All I see is the heck of a lot of people with the heck of a lot of problems. They want solutions, and I want their money. Let's make a deal...

People "can" and "will" hurt you if you leave yourself wide open...

 Puede que el amor sea un suicidio fugaz, pero la soledad es envenenarse a cuentagotas...

Buscando alejarme de las cosas vacias, acercandome a esa luz brillante y prometedora, siendo arrastrado por miles de brazos hacia el abismo, sosteniendome de esta terquedad injustificada, en un acto casi inconciente, como si funcionase en piloto automatico...

Some people are just too different to be ignored, they posses a special quality that makes them look like fools in front of a skeptical mind, makes them look like wackos in front of a small mind, and makes them really attractive to an open mind...

 Before pointing fingers at anyone, remember that "everybody" is after something: Money, love, pain, power, pleasure, knowledge, you name it! And for the record: "Everybody" includes you...

Honesty destroys fake families, friendships, and fairy tales, now, why would we teach our children such a terrible thing?

Amor, desde aquel dia en que nos separamos, me he vuelto filosofo de lo que pudo ser y nunca fue... Amor, que amargo es tu recuerdo al beberlo con cafe...

The only cure for misery is the acceptance of affection...

Aquello a lo que la gente llama destino, es un concepto tan ambiguo e inverosimil, tan comodo y consolador, que se ha transfigurado en el pretexto perfecto para concebir una utopia mezquina en la cual la mediocridad es ovacionada con rosas y el trabajo duro es tratado como asunto de locos; me rehuso a tomar parte de algo tan humanamente absurdo en sus fundamentos esenciales, yo no creo en el destino.

If you give in to what the world has to say: Most likely, you won't get in trouble, I'm almost certain you will fit in perfectly, I bet there won't be any fingers pointing at you this time, I assure you "you won't have to fight as much ever again, or be an outlaw anymore" but the one thing I can guarantee is that the things you will gain trying to do so, will never replace the one's you will loose in the process

Every morning, I wake up not knowing all the things in the world that are impossible. Thanks to my ignorance, I've been able to get some of them done. Then, late at night, I think about what I'm gonna try to do the next day; meanwhile, those who called me crazy, fool, etc. Yes! Those who know it all, are still asking themselves how the heck I was able to do it. To me, that's the sweetest of the ironies

 El movimiento inmigrante esta lleno de titiriteros perversos, payasos oportunistas y marionetas perdidas que le ofrecen un show ridiculo, cruel y angustiante a una audiencia egoista que quiere poner en escena su bandera Mexicana en carpa extranjera; cada circo quiere sus 5 minutos de fama y por no atreverse a hacer lo correcto, de aplausos no se llevaran dada...

Hoy oficialmente doy comienzo a un gran sueño, la apertura de FerbyCorp se ha convertido en el proyecto mas importante de mi vida; en verdad agradezco tus palabras hermano menor, se que lo de tu marca de ropa sera todo un exito. Terminemos lo que empezo Papa; ahora es nuestro turno y no hay tiempo que perder.

Mi credo: Creo que soy un tipo que le apuesta demasiado a la educacion, creo en ayudar a los demas, creo en las causas justas, creo ser bastante obstinado cuando lucho por cumplir mis objetivos, creo que aun hay gente buena en el mundo, creo que el amor verdadero existe, creo que los sueños pueden cumplirse, creo en la familia, creo en Dios, creo en mi.

Me gusta: Me gusta la escuela; la adore desde peque, desde el primer dia que puse un pie en ella. Amo la lectura; me entretengo entre las fabulas espirituales de Cohelo y la melancolia de Garcia Marquez. Me encantan los poemas; especialmente los de Neruda, de Benedetti y de Sabines. Me gusta el otoño; soy un romantico a muerte, siempre lo he sido. Me encanta el bodka; me mantiene tibio, me mantiene escribiendo. Adoro escribir; escribo cuentos, pensamientos y reflecciones para mi. Me fascinan los negocios; es lo mio, se me da. Me entretiene ver el Futbol Europeo; prefiero ver jugar a 22 seres humanos con una pelota que matandose unos a los otros. Me apasiona tomar decisiones; cada una de ellas le dan un rumbo nuevo a mi vida. Estoy enamorado del concepto de la familia; como veran, ellos son mi todo...

Para reconstruirte, es necesario hacerte pedazos primero...

Saturday, October 2, 2010

The undocumented 5 minutes of fame, the immigrant shepherd, and the announced divorce of a lost cause...

The immigrant community needs to take a different approach if they want to accomplish anything. All these small immigrant organizations throughout the country are living proof of the lack of unity in a big scale. Media coverage, sympathy, and any other type of progress can only be made by the whole immigrant community working together under the command of strong defined leaders.

There's an undeniable need to strengthen the bonds between us. Having the African Americans, the European, The Asian, the Latino, the Middle Easterners, the Feminists, the Homosexuals, the Heterosexuals or any other undocumented immigrant group fighting their own battle, can only get us so far. There's a bigger picture; DC is my witness. United we dream, divided we fail. This reminds me of a couple living under the same roof, but not talking to one another, afraid of the divorce.

Hundreds of thousands of people marching on the streets segregated into small groups is lamentable. Can anyone name a leader of the immigrant movement for me? One that all immigrants know? I bet each one of you is thinking of local names here and there, but the reality is that the movement lacks strong national leadership. I can only think of Congressman Gutierrez, but he needs more to address some problems within the community before he can make any serious progress. Also, he needs more help.

I really thought that the whole Arizona SB 1070 deal was going to unify the movement. After following the events for a few days, I was greatly disappointed. Yes, I saw a lot of courageous people fighting their own battles! "Their own battles" I wasn't disappointed by them, I was very disappointed by their leaders!

It seems to me that a lot of these so called "leaders" only want their 5 minutes of fame and recognition. I'm not going to generalize nor denigrate the work of some valuable elements out there, but even the good ones aren't good enough to bring the whole community together. Where is that one Messiah that's going to unify the people? Where's that individual that's going to touch hearts with his words? Where's that one human that's going to say enough? where? Dime Señor, donde esta?

Someone needs to address problems such as apathy, mediocrity, radicalism, misinformation, and selfishness within the movement. Someone has to say "we got to stop thinking about ourselves for a minute and start thinking about the point of view of the American Citizens" Yes, no one has done such a thing! This is indeed a very selfish movement.

I see people left and right screaming: "We" want this, "we" want that, "we" deserve this, "we" deserve that, blah, blah, blah... The movement will never get any real results heading in that direction. Let me explain myself. wow, did you see the word "we" 4 times up there? I myself would like to see it for more times but in a different way: We will learn the language of this country (of course, we will never loose our accent and our English might not be perfect or we might be a little old, but we should try), we won't drive under the influence, we will swear allegiance to the American flag, we will assimilate the culture of this country, etc. Let's forget about what we want for a minute and think about how we can show US citizens how much we want to be part of this country. What leader is going to say that?

Also, can someone please tell our people that they're screaming things which the intended listener won't understand. Are we so lazy that we can't even take the time to learn how to say those things in English? Yo estoy muy orgulloso de mi lenguaje, pero para hacer el mensaje mas efectivo y ser tomado de una manera mas seria, debemos entender que el lenguajes de aquellas personas a las que les pedimos apoyo es el Ingles. Lo menos que podemos hacer es mostrar respeto por ello (Let me translate that: I'm very proud of my native language, but in order to effectively deliver our message, and to be taken seriously, we must do it in English, which is the language that the people we're trying to get support from speaks.

Telling people the truth ain't always pretty is it? Well, even the educated immigrants seem to want it all handed in a silver plate. How so? Well, let me say that If i was given the opportunity to go any college I wanted, even If i had to pay for it myself, I would do it. That would give me a real shot to chase my dream and I wouldn't be taking any FAFSA money from any American Citizens ( That would give more support to the movement from US Citizens). As a matter of fact, I've paid for my own tuition this last few years. I understand that this young bright individuals have to be legalized, but If they really want to achieve their dreams as much as they say, they shouldn't be afraid to work for it. Well, a lot of US Citizens who have graduated from college paid for it by themselves. Working as waitresses, fast food, etc, you name it!

My hands and my brain are a little too tired to keep going, but I have one more thing to say for all of you who really want to become part of this country as much as I do: Let's come together, on the same table, get to know each other, care for one another, and show this nation that we will do whatever it takes to prove our worthiness.

Reporting from the attic, Fernando Bello