Friday, April 30, 2010

All I see is thousands of classrooms at half capacity, millions of legal citizens with better things to do than going to college, a couple million undocumented students wanting to fill those empty seats, 109 of the 435 Representatives & 32 of the 100 senators supporting the Dream Act, over 200,000 people marching in Washington for legalization, and 1 president hesitating between doing the right thing or scoring some points with the Xenophobics...

Mr. President Barack Obama, the time machine you're trying to sell me doesn't work. it keeps sending me to a future I might not live, a day i might not see, a time you won't be there for me. It only delays my agony and pain; it doesn't even know my name. Nothing made with carbon lies & broken promises will last; not to mention it is powered by a numb heart. How can you yourself a good man knowing it will fall apart?

There's an undeniable need to strengthen the bonds between us. Having the African Americans, the European, The Asian, the Latino, the Middle Easterners, the Feminists, the Homosexuals, the Heterosexuals or any other undocumented immigrant group fighting their own battle, can only get us so far. There's a bigger picture; DC is my witness. United we dream, divided we fail...

El verdadero valor de una persona se encuentra en la grandeza de sus sueƱos, la fuerza de voluntad que posee para mantenerles vivo, y su habilidad para llevarlos a cabo. Estas cosas nadie mas puede destruirlas y nadie mas las puede hacer crecer. El protegerlas es nuestro deber, nuestra mision en la vida; esas cosas sonlas que nos hacen fuertes cuando mas obscuro parece el horizonte... Let's bring down Law SB1070...

This is the irony between us brother: You can hate me and pretend that you're a good Christian, you can try to demonize me and not find a single sin on the book to blame me for, you can call me a monster and break my family apart without feeling any regrets. How can you say you're a better person than me, when I've forgiven you for what you've done, but you keep coming after me for chasing a dream..

I want to thank Governor Brewer for making all of this happen! You've accomplished what no activist or politician have done: You've awaken a dormant giant unwilling to battle & you've granted us (immigrants) the sympathy of the nation. Moderate liars and their soft promises won't ever bring about Immigration Reform; change can only be accomplished after events like the one's we've seen in Arizona take place.

Despite the cold hearts blowing on my face, the avalanche of no's falling over me, the blizzard of restrictions on the way, and a few furious Arizona Yetis, "I've learned how to survive among the coldest of them all." My dreams keep me warm & they keep me alive, because the material they're made of cannot be destroyed..." Undocumented and Unafraid"

 Edmund Burke once said: "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil, is for good men to do nothing." We are not afraid to act, because our dreams give us the courage to stand any fight, against anybody, for as long as we have to do so! Let us build a future in which there won't be a man with no country! United we are strong, because united we dream... Let's bring down Legislation SB1070...

Throughout my life, I've heard so many insecure individuals and their words of rejection, so many wise folks and their words of discouragement, so many old people and their words of regret, and some powerful fellows and their words of oppression. Maybe I'm just too stubborn to listen to any of them, or perhaps just brave enough to pursue happiness regardless of what stands on the way... "I Have a Dream"T


 So, the American Government offered a little over $1 per acre to the Native Americans or they would take their land by force. If Washington thinks that problems can be fixed by engaging in violent actions or opening the wallet, then I will have to ask the following question: How much do you want for my legal status? I'm not a man of violence, but I can sure teach you about money..


Hablame con tus ojos, me gusta oirlos cuando me ven; me gusta come dicen que me aman y que esperaron todo el dia solo para verme... Hazme saber que no quieres que me marche con uno de esos abrazos tan fuertes, tan tiernos; esos que solo tu sabes dar cada vez que nos separamos... Y dejame decirte cosas lindas, pues esa, solo esa es la alegria de mi vida... Dejame amarte...(me)


 I've always believed in the free-human within, that devil inside us that's constantly fighting oppression. This past few days, all the commotion around me finally woke him up. Now, I have to make a choice between going back to that cruel nightmare I've buried myself into or dig my way out into the streets and show this people that I'm not a stereotype, I'm not a monster; I'm just a kid! A kid with dreams...

Saturday, April 24, 2010

President or Observer?

Mr. President Barack Obama, let's take our masks off for a second here. Between you and me: You know I'm no punk, no communist, no ignorant, no gangster, no unskilled, no poor & no evil; I dare you to prove me wrong. But you, you're no different from Kevin Carter, you just observe how my liberty is being devoured by a supremacist vulture and do nothing to stop it. You deserve no Nobel prize neither Carter deserved a Pulitzer. God bless you two, you need him more than I do...

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

It's funny, what keeps us apart are undercover lies, shy truths that won't come out, hearts too tired to fight, the dreams cemetery ignorant comments running on the boulevard, electing fear as president of our lives,

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


te han cegado el corazon

con mentiras de carbon,

o tal ves no me escuchas

te ha vuelto sorda la repeticion,

sera que ya lo oiste todo,

mil promesas de vidrio, rotas, vacias,

me haz condenado a ser un numero mas,

me haz robado la intencion,

y le has puesto cerrojo a la puerta,

ingenuamente esperas que detenga al amor,

tal vez ahi no pueda encontrate,

pero el 

Saturday, April 3, 2010

An Undocumented Letter of Confession.

To all my dear friends:
What I’m about to tell you will hopefully change the way you think about some things, but I hope it doesn’t change what you think about me. I’ve heard you talking about them not knowing that I’m one of them. Every time you talk about them, you’re also talking about me. You may tell your friends I don't speak English not knowing that we’ve talked over the phone for hours, you can say I'm a barbarian when you and me were the only ones polite enough to shovel Mrs. Johnson’s driveway on the winter, you can say I’m evil not knowing that we go to church together, you can say I'm a bad influence after convincing you to go back to college, you can label me as ignorant even after getting the higher score in the class, you can say that we have nothing in common and not have the slightest idea that we play tennis for the same team, you can say that no one will remember me if I leave not knowing that we went to prom together, you can say that I'm only brown not knowing that I can be as pale as the image you see in the mirror every morning, you can say I'm ugly not knowing that you had a crush on me since high school, you can proclaim yourself to be my worst enemy not knowing that we played together as kids, you can say I'm all about mariachi & salsa and be unaware that we were just a few seats apart during the last U2 concert, you can believe that I live in the "hood" and not know that I'm your favorite neighbor, you can try to sell me all the baggy pants and muscle shirts you want not knowing that we been shopping together at American Eagle, A&F, Express, and Hollister for years, you can call yourself a patriot for kicking me out of the country not knowing I was under your command in the military, you can say I don’t assimilate the culture not knowing that you and me celebrate the 4th of July and not May 5th, you can say I’m very aggressive not knowing that we marched together for peace, you can say that I’m a disappointment and not remember that I was your favorite student, you can think of me as a stranger, an illegal alien, a criminal, and someone indifferent to you not knowing that the bonds between us are a lot stronger than any form of hate or xenophobia. My sincere apologies to all of you for I'm partially responsible for this problem: I'm illegal; I just never had the courage to tell you! I love you guys! I hope that the way you think about illegal immigrants changes in a positive way. I also hope that you will stand by me now that I need you more than ever. I have to fight for my rights and I need your support! I’ve always been there for you, but this time I’m the one who needs help.