Sunday, March 28, 2010

About Success!

If you want to succeed; you never stop pursuing happiness, If something hits you; you hit back even harder, If something's blocking the way; you break it into little pieces and keep going, If someone's trying to put you down; you crush them till they can no longer touch you, and even if the whole world does not understand why you do all the things you do; you keep doing them, because they make you happy

Stubborn or brave?

Throughout my life, I've heard so many insecure individuals and their words of rejection, so many wise folks and their words of discouragement, so many old people and their words of regret, and some powerful fellows and their words of oppression. Maybe I'm just too stubborn to listen to any of them, or perhaps just brave enough to pursue happiness regardless of what stands on the way...

A Call to Action!

 Edmund Burke once said: "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil, is for good men to do nothing." We are not afraid to act, because our dreams give us the courage to stand any fight, against anybody, for as long as we have to do so! Let us build a future in which there won't be a man with no country! United we are strong, because united we dream...

The Undocumented Justice.

So, the guy who killed Harvey Milk only served 5 years in jail, because America believes that "Good people, fine (White) people, with fine backgrounds, simply don't kill people in cold blood". If that is the case, then why do "Good (undocumented young) people, fine people, with fine backgrounds, and good grades, have to serve a life sentence in the shadows for not being born in this country? That doesn't make sense!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

My Dreams Keep me Warm...

Despite the cold hearts blowing on my face, the avalanche of no's falling over me, the blizzard of restrictions on the way, and a few furious ignorant Yetis, "I've learned how to survive among the coldest of them all." My dreams keep me warm, they keep me alive, because the material they're made of "cannot be destroyed." I support the Dream Act!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

I Have a Dream too! March 21- Protesting in Washington


45 years ago, a man embodied the essence of his dreams in a beautiful speech entitled: "I have a Dream." Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. spoke in front of hundreds of thousands of people about his biggest dream: "A world where black people could have the same rights as white people, a world where they could co-exist peacefully and in harmony. Time passes quickly and 45 years is a relatively short period; there are some elderly people among ourselves whom lived a bit of the injustice that prevailed in those days.


Today, in the same country where Martin Luther King Jr. achieved his dream, there are more than 12 million people who share a dream similar to his: "Equal Rights" This is a problem that's been going on for a couple of decades already and has not been resolved yet. Why? It is a very interesting question! Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but I'm sure a big part of the problem lies within ourselves, because we have done little or nothing to change things. "Harsh words perhaps, but very honest I will say" There seems to be an epidemic of conformity among the Latino community.

Martin Luther King, Jr. Pictures, Images and Photos

Juarez was right!

Benito Juarez, a humble shepherd from Oaxaca, Mexico, who became president of his country once said: "Respecting other's rights results in peace" If someone's wondering what this has to do with the 12 million immigrants living in this country, the answer is: If we want to live in harmony with the citizens of this country, we need to respect their laws and customs. "Do not forget that we were the ones that came to their place of birth" Just to mention an example: "Of the more than 12 million immigrants living in this country, very few have learned the English language."

Benito Juarez Pictures, Images and Photos

We must work hard!

With what face we can ask the government of this country to treat us as equals, if we rarely do what is expected from us to assimilate the national culture. It is among our community that we find the highest rate of school dropout among all the ethnic groups that make up this nation (nothing to be proud of). As the saying goes: As you see, they treat you "That's right, the image of our community has been that of mediocrity, and we must act quickly to change it! We are repeatedly being ignored by the authorities, because they have little or no respect for us, but respect is earned; no one gives it away. There are many of us who have learned the customs and the language of this country and all others should do so as well. There's an extensive amount of resources available to anyone who wants to learn English, there are no excuses!

my iphone app! Pictures, Images and Photos

The solution

The question we should ask ourselves is how did Martin Luther King and all those who shared his dream made it a reality? The answer is simple: They fought for their rights, they believed they could win, they never gave up, and they showed the world that they preferred death to jail or losing their dignity.

Gandhi, one of my greatest heroes once said: "Tomorrow we may have to sit in front of our children and tell them that we were defeated. But we can not look them in the eye and say they live as well because we dare not fight."

ghandi Pictures, Images and Photos

Rally in Washington (March 21st 2010)

There seems to be an epidemic of conformity among a large part of the Latino community. There are symptoms such as apathy and fear among the population. It seems to me that very few people are willing to sacrifice anything for getting this great dream come true. I agree with Benjamin Franklin when he said that "They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."

Those who do not fight for their freedom are doomed to live in mediocrity. It is better to die fighting for what is right than to live in inequality; It that can be called living (Oscar Fernando Bello)

Yo tambien tengo un sueño! Marzo 21- Protesta en Washington


Hace 45 años un hombre dejo plasmada la esencia de los sueños en un discurso hermoso titulado: I have a Dream." Cual era el sueño de ese hombre? Un mundo donde la gente de color pudiera tener los mismos derechos que los Anglosajones. Pensar que el tiempo transcurre rapidamente y que relativamente 45 años es un periodo muy corto. Es mas, aun existen algunas personas de la tercera edad a quienes les toco vivir un poco de la injusticia reinaba en aquellos dias. La pregunta que deberiamos hacernos todos es como lograron Martin Luther King y todas aquellas personas que compartian su sueño convertirlo en una realidad? La respuesta es muy simple: Lucharon por sus derechos, creyeron que podian lograrlo, nunca se rindieron ni quitaron el pie del renglon y le demostraron al mundo entero que preferian la carcel o la muerte a perder su dignidad.


Hoy en dia, en el mismo Pais donde Martin Luther King logro hacer su sueño realidad, hay mas de 12 millones de personas que comparten un sueño similar al suyo: Igualdad de derechos" Este es un problema que tiene ya un par de decadas y sin embargo no ha sido resuelto. Porque? Es una pregunta muy interesante! Cada quien es libre de sacar sus propias deducciones, pero estoy seguro que gran parte del problema somos nosotros mismos que hemos hecho poco o nada al respecto. Palabras duras tal vez, pero muy honestas.

Martin Luther King, Jr. Pictures, Images and Photos

Juarez tenia razon

Un humilde pastor Oaxaca, quien llego a ser presidente de Mexico dijo alguna vez: El Respeto al derecho ajeno es la paz" Se preguntaran que tiene esto que ver con los 12 millones de inmigrantes que viven en este pais. La respuesta es la siguiente: Si queremos vivir en armonia con los nativos de este pais, necesitamos respetar sus leyes y sus costumbres. No hay que olvidar que fuimos nosotros los que llegamos a su pais y no ellos al nuestro.

Benito Juarez Pictures, Images and Photos

Debemos trabajar duro!

De los mas de 12 millones de inmigrantes que habitan este pais, son muy pocos los que han aprendido ha hablar el idioma ingles. Con que cara le podemos pedir a el gobierno de este pais que nos trate como iguales si es muy poco lo que hacemos como comunidad para demostrarle que estamos asimilando la cultura Nacional. Es entre nuestra comunidad que encontramos el indice mas alto de desercion escolar; superamos a todos los demas grupos ethnicos que conforman esta nacion(Nada de que estar orgullosos). Como dice el dicho: Como te ven, te tratan" asi es, es muy deplorable la imagen que damos como comunidad y por consecuente somos ignorados recurrentemente por las authoridades. El respeto se gana; nadie lo regala hoy en dia. Habemos quienes hemos asimilado la cultura nacional e aprendido el idioma de este pais, los demas deberian de hacer lo mismo! Hay una infinidad de maneras de aprender el idioma, no hay excusas!

my iphone app! Pictures, Images and Photos

La solucion

Unamonos y luchemos por la igualdad con la que tanto soñamos, demostremosle al mundo que realmente somos merecedores de aquello que tanto anhelamos y hagamos todo lo humanamente posible por crear un mejor mañana para los niños inmigrantes.

"Mañana tal vez tengamos que sentarnos frente a nuestros hijos y decirles que fuimos derrotados. Pero no podremos mirarlos a los ojos y decirles que viven así porque no nos animamos a pelear." (Gandhi)

ghandi Pictures, Images and Photos

Marcha del 21 de Marzo en Washington:

Aquellos que no luchan por su libertad viviran en la mediocridad. Es mejor morir luchando por lo que es correcto que vivir en desigualdad; si es que realmente se le puede llamar vivir a eso.(Fernando Bello)

Parece haber una epidemia de conformismo entre la comunidad Latina. Pueden verse sintomas tales como la apatia y el temor entre la poblacion. Paraciera como si nadie estubiera dispuesto a sacrificar nada a cambio de conseguir materializar este gran sueño. Coincido con Benjamin Franklin en que "Aquellas personas que no son capaces de arriesgar su seguridad por su libertad, no merecen ni la una ni la otra."

Friday, March 12, 2010

About destiny...

This is the formula for destiny: 2 cups of mediocrity, a whole bag of apathy, 1 teaspoon of dead creativity, 10 oz of shredded will, 1/2 gallon of denial, 7 lbs of fear, very little conviction and as much negativity as you can put in it.

Thursday, March 11, 2010


When adversity knocks you out, there's only one way to redeem yourself: "you need to knock it out on the first round of the rematch" An equal match won't do! it's your honor, your spirit, your ego that's at stake. Your name is on the line and your reputation is everything when you're a Businessman..

About Fear...

Don't let fear take away the things you love the most... You hold on to those things with all you've got, and everything, "hear me out" everything will be alright! Because those things are what make us stronger, and those things are worth putting up the hell of a good fight....